WLB Policies

 Welsh Lawn Bowls Policies

  • Disciplinary Procedure Policy
  • Equality and Diversity Policy
  • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Social Policy
  • Trans Gender Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Betting Integrity Policy
  • Code of Conduct Policy
  • WLB Constitution



  1. Any complaint which is made directly to the WLB should be lodged, unless in extenuating circumstances, in writing with the WLB Secretary within 14 days of the incident which gave rise to the complaint. If a complaint has been made to a Club or a County Association, but it is felt necessary to refer this to the WLB for further consideration, this referral should be lodged in writing with the WLB Secretary within 28 days of the incident.

Extenuating Circumstances: - must be recorded and it will be the responsibility of the WLB Secretary to agree that these circumstances are deemed as such and will report such at the start of any proceedings. 

  1. An initial meeting much be held between the WLB Secretary, plus one Officer from the Presidential team. This meeting should be with the complainant(s) and a full record of the meeting must be made. The complainant(s) letter of complaint must be made available and discussed in depth. Any other person deemed necessary may be required to attend. 
  1. A date for a Complaints Hearing, where required, will be set by the Secretary. Written notice of this meeting, showing the date, time and venue of the meeting and indicating the matter to be discussed, accompanied by copies of the complaint and any response, will be sent by the Secretary to all members of the Complaints Discipline Committee, the complainant and the person complained against, no later than 7 days prior to the date of the meeting. 


1. A complaint will be heard by a Discipline Committee comprised of 5 members of the Executive Committee, suitable qualified, one of whom shall be appointed Chairman of the meeting, plus WLB Hon Secretary (or an Assistant Secretary) to record the proceedings, they will not be entitled to a vote. 

2. Individual members, Clubs or County Associations presenting the complaint or being complained against may be represented at the hearing. Both parties to the complaint shall be present while the complaint and response are being heard by the Discipline Committee. 

3. A written report on the incident which gave rise to the complaint shall be submitted to the Discipline Committee by the person or organisation initiating the complaint, or their representative. Members of the Discipline Committee may then ask any questions relevant to the issue in order to clarify any point in the report. 

4. The party complained against, or their representative may present their view of the events to the Discipline Committee. Members of the Discipline Committee may then ask any questions relevant to the issue in order to clarify any point in the report. 

5. Witnesses shall be limited to two on either side. 

6. Following clarification of all necessary points, both parties to the complaint shall be asked to leave the room while the complaint is discussed by the Discipline Committee but may be recalled for further clarification if necessary. 

7. The Discipline Committee will then ask both parties and their representative(s), if any, to return to the meeting room. The Discipline Committee will then give their findings.

 8. If any complaint is found to be upheld then the following penalties maybe given. 

i.       Verbal Warning

ii        Written Warning

iii       Suspension

iv       Dismissal

 NB – If the complaint involves the WLB Hon Secretary then any correspondence should be forwarded to an Assistant Secretary. 


Policy Statement

Welsh Lawn Bowls (WLB) endorses the principle of sports equality and will strive to ensure that everyone who wishes to be involved within bowls in Wales, whether as a player, volunteer, official, coach or office-bearer in a club has a genuine and equal opportunity to participate to the full extent of their own ambitions and abilities, without regard to their age, sex, gender identity, disability, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, religion, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, socio-economic status or sexual orientation. 

In addition, the WLB will: 

 · ensure that within all environments under the direct control of the national governing body an individual’s rights, dignity and individual worth is respected, and they can enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse; and 

 · support member clubs to ensure they provide an environment in which the rights, dignity and individual worth of an individual are respected, and they can enjoy their sport without the threat of intimidation, victimisation, harassment or abuse. 

Legal obligations

The WLB is committed to avoid and eliminate unfair discrimination of any kind within bowls in Wales and will under no circumstances condone unlawful discriminatory practices. 

The organisation takes a zero-tolerance approach to harassment. 

The principle of Sports Equality goes further than simply complying with legislation. It entails taking positive steps to counteract the effects of physical or cultural barriers – whether real or perceived – that restrict the opportunity for all sections of the community to participate equally and fully. 

The WLB will therefore seek to institute, support and contribute to appropriate measures or initiatives that enable access to bowls and participation in associated activities by people from any group that is under-represented in the sport or has difficulty accessing it.


It will be a condition of the WLB membership that member clubs:

·       take steps to ensure that their committees, members and volunteers behave in accordance with the policy, including where appropriate taking disciplinary action under the Club’s constitution.

·       ensure that access to membership is open and inclusive; and

·       where possible, support such measures and initiatives that the WLB may institute or take part in to advance the aims of this policy.

·       It will be a condition of the WLB membership that affiliated associations: -

·       commit to act in accordance with this policy; and

·       where possible, support such measures and initiatives that the WLB may institute or take part in to advance the aims of this policy 

Complaints and compliance

The WLB regards all the forms of discriminatory behaviour, including (but not limited to) behaviour described in the Appendix as unacceptable, and is committed to ensure that individuals feel able to raise any bona fide grievance or complaint related to such behaviour without fear of being penalised for doing so. 

Any person, who believes that he or she has been treated in a way that they consider to be in breach of this policy by a member club, individual member or affiliated association, should first raise their concerns to that person or organisation. If this does not resolve the matter, or in the case of allegations of discriminatory behaviour against the WLB itself, the person may raise the matter by writing directly to the WLB Secretary. 

The WLB will appoint an appropriate person to investigate the concern and they will work with all parties involved to reach an amicable solution. The WLB will consult the Equality and Human Rights Commission when appropriate to seek expert advice. 

If an individual or organisation associated with the WLB is subject to allegations of unlawful discrimination in a court or tribunal, the WLB Executive will co-operate fully with any investigation carried out by the relevant lawful authorities and, subject to the outcome, may consider acting in relation to the matter concerned. The Executive may impose sanctions on that individual or organisation in line with the WLB Equality & Diversity Policy. In deciding what sanction is appropriate in a particular case the Executive will consider the severity of the matter and take account of any mitigating circumstances. 

APPENDIX – Relevant legislation and forms of unacceptable discrimination 

Legal rights

Discrimination has been legally defined through a series of legislative acts, including the Race Relations Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, the Disability Discrimination Act and the Equality Act 2006. 

In April 2010, the Equality Act 2010 received Royal Assent. The Equality Act 2010 is a new law which harmonises where possible, and in some cases extends, protection from discrimination. It applies throughout Great Britain and came into force in October 2010. 

Discrimination refers to unfavourable treatment based on particular characteristics, which are known as the ‘protected characteristics. Under the Equality Act 2010, the protected characteristics are defined as age (employment only until 2012), disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status (employment only), pregnancy and maternity, race (which includes ethnic or national origin, colour or nationality), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation. 

Under the Equality Act 2010, individuals are protected from discrimination ‘on grounds of’ a protected characteristic. This means that individuals will be protected if they have a characteristic, are assumed to have it, associate with someone who has it or with someone who is assumed to have it. 

Forms of discrimination and discriminatory behaviour include the following: 

Direct discrimination

Direct discrimination can be described as less favourable treatment on the grounds of one of the protected characteristics. 

Indirect discrimination - Indirect discrimination occurs when a provision, criterion or practice is applied to an individual or group that would put persons of a particular characteristic at a particular disadvantage compared with other persons. 

Discrimination arising from disability - When a disabled person is treated unfavourably because of something connected with their disability and this unfavourable treatment cannot be justified, this is unlawful. This type of discrimination only relates to disability. 

Harassment - Harassment is defined as unwanted conduct relating to a protected characteristic that has the purpose or effect of violating a person’s dignity, or which creates an intimidating or hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that person. 

Victimisation - It is unlawful to treat a person less favourably because he or she has made allegations or brought proceedings under the anti-discrimination legislation, or because they have helped another person to do so. To do so would constitute victimisation. 

Bullying - Bullying is defined as a form of personal harassment involving the misuse of power, influence or position to persistently criticise, humiliate or undermine an individual.



We are committed to respecting your privacy. This notice is to explain how we may use personal information we collect before, during and after your membership with us. This notice explains how we comply with the law on data protection, what your rights are and for the purposes of data protection we will be the controller of any of your personal information.

This notice applies to you if you are either: 

1. An affiliated member of Welsh Lawn Bowls.

2. An individual player/participant who has registered his/her interest in participating in the sport and/or whose details we have collected from one of our affiliated clubs or other third‐party referrals.

3. We have not appointed a Data Protection Officer to oversee our compliance with data protection laws, as we are not required to do so, but our WLB Secretary has overall responsibility for data protection compliance in our organisation.   

When you sign up for membership with us, you may provide us with or we may obtain personal information about you, such as information regarding your: 

  • personal contact details that allow us to contact you directly such as name, title, email addresses and telephone numbers.
  • date of birth.
  • gender.
  • membership details including start and end date.
  • records of your interactions with us such a telephone conversations, emails and other correspondence and your instructions to us.
  • any credit/debit card and other payment details you provide so that we can receive payments from you and details of the financial transactions with you.
  • use of and movements through our online portal, passwords, personal identification numbers, IP addresses, usernames and other IT system identifying information.
  • CCTV footage and other information obtained through electronic means such as swipe card and key fob record.  
  • records of your attendance at any events or competitions hosted by us.
  • images in video and/or photographic form and voice recordings; and
  • your marketing preferences so that we know whether and how we should contact you.

 Players/Participants - If you are a player/participant who has registered his/her interest in participating in the sport competitively, you may also provide us with, or we may obtain the following additional personal information from you: identification documents such as passport and identity cards.  

  • details of any club and/or county membership.
  • details of next of kin, family members, coaches and emergency contacts.
  • records and assessment of any player rankings, gradings or ratings, competition results, details regarding matches and games attended and performance (including that generated through player pathway programme).
  • any disciplinary and grievance information; 

SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL INFORMATION - We may also collect, store and use the following “special categories” of more sensitive personal information regarding you.

  • information about your race or ethnicity, religious beliefs and sexual orientation; and
  • information about your health, including any medical condition, health and sickness records, medical records and health professional information. 

We may not collect all the above types of special category personal information about you. In relation to the special category personal data that we do process we do so on the basis that:

  • ·       the processing is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest, on a lawful  basis.
  • it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.
  • it is based on your explicit consent. 

Principals of data protection

Welsh Lawn Bowls must ensure that we:

  • Process personal data fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner:
  • The WLB will only process personal data where it is lawful to do so under the Data Protection Laws and ensure that all individuals for whom we process personal data are given access to our privacy notice(s) upon the collection of their personal data or within one month of receiving their personal data from a third party.
  • Obtain personal data only for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not process it for any other purpose that is incompatible with those purposes:
  • The WLB will ensure that personal data will be collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes. If we intend to use personal data for direct marketing purposes the data subjects are made aware of this and given the option to consent to OR opt in to having their personal data processed in this way.
  • Ensure that personal data is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which it is processed:
  • The WLB Secretary will monitor the quantities of personal data held for our purposes and ensure that we hold neither too much nor too little personal data in respect of the individuals about whom data is held.
  • Ensure that personal data is accurate and where necessary, kept up to date: The WLB updates current records as notified directly in writing by individuals or clubs.
  • Keep your personal data in a form which permits identification of data subjects for no longer than is necessary for the purpose for which it is processed. All personal data will be kept in an identifiable format for no longer than is necessary. Personal data will be kept for as long as necessary to provide members with membership services. Unless a member asks us not to, we will review and possibly delete personal information where a member has not renewed membership with The WLB for six years. 


Key Principles - Adults

The guidance given in the policy and procedures is based on the following principles:

·       All adults, regardless of age, ability or disability, gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, marital or transgender status have the right to be protected from abuse and poor practice and to play bowls in an enjoyable and safe environment.

·       Welsh Lawn Bowls recognise that ability and disability can change over time, such that some adults may be additionally vulnerable to abuse, for example those who have a dependency on others or have different communication needs.

·       Welsh Lawn Bowls recognise that disabled adults may or may not identify themselves or be identified as an adult ‘at risk’.

·       Everyone involved in bowls has a shared responsibility to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all adults and should act appropriately and report concerns whether these concerns arise within bowls (e.g., inappropriate behaviour of a coach) or outside (e.g., in the wider community).

·       All allegations will be taken seriously and responded to quickly, in line with this Policy and the WLB recognises the role and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and is committed to complying with the procedures of the Local Safeguarding Adults Boards.

The Care Act 2014 sets out the following six principles of adult safeguarding that should underpin safeguarding of adults

Empowerment - People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent.

Prevention – It is better to act before harm occurs.

Proportionality – The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented.

Protection – Support and representation for those in greatest need.

Partnership – Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse.

Accountability – Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.


Key Principles – Children

  • The safety and welfare of children is paramount.
  • Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
  • All children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race (including ethnic origin, nationality and colour), religion or belief, sex (gender) and sexual orientation have the right to enjoy their sport free from abuse and poor practice.
  • It is recognised that some children have additional vulnerability, which may be due to disability, language, sexual orientation, culture, the impact of previous experiences or the fact that they perform in an elite environment. All concerns and allegations of abuse and poor practice will be taken seriously and responded to
  •  swiftly and appropriately.
  • The views of children will be listened to, valued and respected. 


This policy is designed to offer practical guidance for responsible and constructive communications via social media platforms for representatives of the Welsh Lawn Bowls (WLB) 

A “representative”, for the purposes of this policy, means someone who represents the WLB through competition or other voluntary undertakings. This includes Secretaries, Presidents/Vice Presidents, Honorary Members, Players, and those providing any further voluntary services under the jurisdiction of the WLB.  

Social media, includes networking sites, such as, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or other such like platforms.

·       Sharing – includes photo and video.

·       Commenting on – blogs for personal or business use. Leaving product or service reviews on retailer or customer sites. Taking part on online votes and polls.

The WLB fully acknowledges and respects the legal rights of our players, representatives and volunteers.  

The proper focus of this policy relates to activities in or outside of the WLB that affect the performance of others, our business interests, the membership or public perception of the organisation and/or those representing the WLB. 

Policy Objectives

  • To establish practical, reasonable and enforceable guidelines by which our “representatives” can conduct responsible, constructive social media engagement in both official and unofficial capacities.  
  • To promote a safe and positive environment for “representatives” to share subject matter and expertise that is not proprietary and earns recognition for the outstanding use of social media for business and the promotion of our sport.
  • To prepare our “representatives” to utilise social media channels to help each other, the wider organisation and the communities we serve. 

Guiding Principles

Social Media is a fantastic opportunity for the WLB “representatives” to communicate the work being done by the organisation to modernise, develop, widen and promote Bowls at International, National and Grassroots level. 

The following areas set out the organisation’s guiding principles for the use of Social Media which “representatives” are expected to adhere to; The WLB trusts and expects “representatives” to exercise personal responsibility whenever they use social media.  

1.   Personal responsibility includes not violating the trust of those with whom you are engaging or representing.  This includes taking/sending photos without the consent of the subject/recipient, or which are indecent or otherwise inappropriate.

2.   “Representatives” should never use social media for covert advocacy, subversive marketing or personal public relations

3.   The WLB is committed to avoid and eliminate unfair discrimination of any kind within bowls in Wales and will under no circumstances condone unlawful discriminatory practices. The organisation also takes a zero-tolerance approach to harassment. Social media should never be used to discriminate against a person(s)  

4.   When “representatives” use social media to communicate relative to a WLB matter or subject topic they should clearly identify themselves and their role as a “representative”.

5.   Only those officially designated by the WLB can use social media to speak on behalf of The WLB in an official capacity.

6.   When you see misrepresentations made about the WLB by the media, analysts, bloggers or other social media users, you may use your blog, social networking account or other social media platform to point the misrepresentation out. But you may only do so in an official capacity or as a “representative” if you follow the terms of this policy.

7.   Different social media channels have proper and improper business uses.

For example, members of social networks are expected to read, and when appropriate respond, to questions asked of them from another member of their social network.  

It is important for “representatives” to understand what is recommended, expected and required when they discuss topics. If the matter is of a private or confidential matter do not divulge this information publicly, if it is out with the “representatives” remit then refer the question to the relevant party within the organisation.  

If in doubt, leave it out and do NOT post a comment on social media which is defamatory, inaccurate, libellous or offensive. 

All “representatives” agree to promote a positive image of the WLB on Social Media and will not post, like or share negative comments regarding the organization, its members or any other matter relating to the WLB. 

Direct Messaging and Private Messaging are still undertaken within Social Media “environments” and “representatives” should understand that the Guiding Principles relate to all are of Social Media and Digital Communication. 

Below is a Social Media Statement that could be considered for signing by all WLB officers/members and volunteers. 

“I understand that if I do not follow the Social Media Policy any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club and/or the WLB: 

1.       Be required to apologise formally

2.       Receive a warning; verbal or written

3.       Be dropped or substituted

4.       Suspended by the club

5.       Be required to leave the club

6.       Be required to have my continued participation in club activities supervised by my parents/carers

7.       Be required to sign up to a behaviour management plan

8.       Serious breaches depending on the nature of the incident may have to be reported to the police


I have read and understand the above information and appropriate use of social media within the WLB / club sessions / events. I understand that this form will be kept on file and that the details may be used (and shared with a third party, if necessary) to assist identifying a phone should the need arise (e.g. if lost, or if the phone is being used inappropriately).

 Signed               …………………………………………          


Name (print) …………………..……………………..


Date            ………………………………………….            


*NB If this document is being signed by a person under the age of 18 it should be co-signed by their parent/carer.


Signed               …………………………………………          


Name (print) …………………..……………………..


Date            ………………………………………….            


Please note: Subject to the Data Protection Act 2018, any information supplied will be stored securely and not used for any other purpose than stated in the policy.”


Bowls is an inclusive sport, open to all who wish to be involved in any capacity and we encourage all trans and non-binary participants to take part.

Whilst the physical demands of bowls are more modest than most sports, bowls is a gender-affected sport. it is our responsibility to ensure that we provide a framework for fair competition and have due regard for the safety of all competitors, whilst also ensuring there is an opportunity for everyone to take part.

We are committed to creating a safe space for all players. We will ensure that all individuals will be able to take part in bowls without fear or harassment and that all club members and visitors will be able to enjoy our sport and feel comfortable in the environment it provides.

Legal Framework

The policy outlined in this document ensures the following UK legislation is considered:

·       Data Protection Act 2018

·       Equality Act 2010

·       Gender Recognition Act 2004


·       Non-binary: An umbrella term for people whose gender identity does not sit comfortably with ‘man’ or ‘women’

·       Trans: An umbrella term to describe people whose gender is not the same as, or does not sit comfortably with, the sex they were assigned at birth.


All members of the WLB’s affiliated clubs must:

·  Treat all trans and non-binary members with respect.

·  Welcome all trans and non-binary members as you would any other member.

·  Accept all members in the gender they present. If you require verification of identity, it          should be the same for all members.

·  Respect the privacy of all members’ information, including their gender identity. This is protected in law, as is the case for all of your members.

·  Take the lead from the member. Ask their name and if presented with a pronoun use them.

·  Not make assumptions about any member’s gender identity or related characteristics or stereotypes attached to that gender.

·  In line with the Government Equalities Office document ‘Providing services for transgender customers’ 2015, allow a trans person to select the facilities appropriate to the gender in which they present.

Club membership and non-competitive activity

If an existing club member needs to change the gender already listed on the membership record. They will be required to notify their respective County of the change, who must then notify the WLB.

A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but members should be encouraged to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.

Members can take part in any NGB sanctioned non-competitive activity in their self-identified gender.  All members should be always treated with respect and if concerns are reported relating to the acceptance of trans and/or non-binary members in any activity, the matter should be referred to us in line with our Disciplinary Regulations.

Competitive activity The sport of bowls is a gender-affected sport. The Gender Recognition Act 2004 makes specific provision for sporting organisations to potentially prohibit or restrict a person with an acquired gender from competing in an event or events involving a gender-affected sport. A sport is a gender-affected sport if the physical strength, stamina or physique of average persons of one gender would put them at a disadvantage to average persons of the other gender as competitors in events involving the sport.

Applications to complete in both the men’s and women’s category of competitions are required to comply with the following:

Applications to compete in the women’s category:

Applications from any trans or non-binary member who seeks to compete in the women’s category shall be required to comply with the stipulations outlined below.

International competition (defined as any event at international level; examples include but not limited to Test Matches, British Isles, World Bowls and Commonwealth Games):

  • Notify the WLB via your County of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by both the WLB and your County.
  • This gender identity cannot be changed for a minimum of 4 years.
  • Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the member’s total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L for at least 12 months prior to the member’s first competition and must remain below 10 nmol/L whilst competing in the women’s category.

National competition and local competition (defined as any event that leads to world and/or British Isles and/or national and/or county and/or district and/or club finals; and any national, county and district leagues):

  • Notify the WLB via your County of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by the WLB and your County.
  • The confirmation of change on gender identify will be shared with any County Association (if applicable) that the participants club is affiliated to.
  • A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.
  • Submit an attestation from a medical professional that the member’s total testosterone level in serum has been below 10 nmol/L prior to the member’s first competition and must remain below 10 nmol/L whilst competing in the women’s category.

Other local, intra-club and friendly competition (defined as any event any other activity other than that described in ‘International Competition’ and ‘National Competition and local competition’):

  • Notify the WLB of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by the WLB
  • A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in. 

Applications to compete in the men’s category:

Applications from any trans or non-binary member who seeks to compete in the men’s category shall be asked to comply with stipulations outlined below. 

All competition:

  • Notify the WLB and your County of a change of gender identity in line with the specified process. The information will be recorded by both the WLB and your County.
  • A member’s gender identity cannot be changed mid-season, but we encourage members to socially transition and remain competing in the category they began the season competing in.

 Members under 18 years:

All under 18-year-old members for whom this policy is relevant may compete in a girls’, boys’, or mixed team, regardless of their sex assigned at birth.  This includes any under 18 competing in over 18 competitions.  The member’s gender identity must not be changed mid-season and is only permitted to enter competitions related to one gender.


The WLB will take appropriate measures for any breach of this policy in line with disciplinary policies, procedures, and processes.  All information will be collected and stored in accordance with GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

·       The WLB will monitor and regulate the sport to ensure:

·       Fairness and integrity of competitions.

·       Members compete in the category of competition for which they have satisfied the eligibility criteria set out in this policy.

·       All members are compliant with this policy.

·       No direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation is taken against a member on the grounds of their gender identity.

·       Any other breach or non-compliance with this policy.


Welsh Lawn Bowls is committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all bowlers to allow them to take part in a relaxed and secure environment regardless of age or background.

Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in life and the sport of bowls.

When bullying does occur members should be confident that incidents will be dealt with fairly, quickly and effectively at all levels of the sport.

Any person who is aware that bullying is taking place at club, county or national level has a duty to inform the relevant safeguarding officer as soon as they have concerns.

Definition of Bullying

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.

·       Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert).

·       Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records).

·       Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders.

·       Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.

Bullying can be: 

  •  Emotional, being unfriendly, excluding or tormenting.
  •   Physical, pushing, kicking, hitting or any other form of violence.
  • Racist, racial taunts, graffiti or gestures.
  •  Sexual, unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments.
  •   Homophobic, because of, or focusing on the issue of sexuality.
  •  Sexist, belittling someone because of their gender.
  •  Verbal Abuse, name calling, sarcasm, teasing or spreading rumours.
  •  Cyber, any issues relating to the internet, such as email, social media, and internet chat rooms.
  • Mobile threats by text messaging and calls.
  • Misuse of associated technology such as cameras or video facilities. 

Why it is Important to Respond to Bullying.

Bullying is harmful. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying; everyone has the right to be treated with respect. Welsh Lawn Bowls has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.

Objectives of the Policy.

  • All bowlers, coaches, volunteers and parents should understand what bullying is.
  • All bowlers, coaches and volunteers should be aware of the policy on bullying and follow it when bullying is reported.
  • All bowlers and parents should know what the policy on bullying is and what they should do if bullying arises.
  • Welsh Lawn Bowls takes bullying seriously, everyone involved in bowls should be assured that they will be supported when bullying is report.


1.   Any incidents of bullying must be reported to the Club, County or National Safeguarding Officer, committee member or person you can trust.

2.   In cases of serious bullying the incidents must be referred to Welsh Lawn Bowls Safeguarding Officer.

3.   In serious cases parents or guardians must be informed and asked to attend a meeting to discuss the problem.

4.   If necessary and appropriate the police will be consulted. 

5.   The bullying behaviour, threats of bullying must be investigated, and the bullying stopped.

6.   Attempts should be made to educate the bully/bullies to change their behaviour.

7.If the matter cannot be resolved through mediation, then disciplinary action should be considered.

Recommended Club Action.

If a club decides it is appropriate for them to deal with the incident of bullying, they should follow the procedure set out below.

  1. 1Seek reconciliation by getting both parties together, an apology my solve the problem. 
  2. If this fails or is not appropriate a sub-committee of club members should meet with person making the allegation (if this is a junior bowler, then parents or guardians should be in attendance) to obtain more information. This panel must include the club Safeguarding Officer, minutes of the meeting must be taken and agreed by all parties that they are a true account of the meeting.
  3. The same panel should meet with the alleged bully and if this is a junior bowler his/her parents to discuss the allegations and to give them the opportunity to respond. Minutes should be taken and agreed by all parties.
  4. If the panel concludes that bullying has taken place the bowler should be warned that any further incidents of bullying will result in disciplinary action. This could include temporary or permanent suspension from the club. Every effort should be made to reconcile the bowlers involved and the club should continue to monitor the situation for a period to ensure that there is no further bullying.
  5.  All coaches, volunteers or team managers involved with both bowlers should be made aware of the concerns and asked to continually monitor the situation.


  1. 1The bully may be asked to apologise.
  2. In serious cases suspension or exclusion may be considered.
  3.  If possible, the people concerned will be reconciled.
  4.  The bowler or bowlers involved should be monitored to ensure repeat bullying does not take place.


1.   Each club must have a written constitution which includes guidance on what is acceptable behaviour for all members of which the anti-bullying policy is one part.

2.   All club members and parents of young bowlers should sign a code of conduct on joining the club. This should include a reference to bullying.

3.   The Club Safeguarding Officer must raise awareness about bullying and why it matters.


 8. BETTING INTEGRITY POLICY-  Anti-corruption (Sports Betting) Policy


Introduction - All WLB officers, members and volunteers have an obligation to maintain the highest standards of integrity by carrying out their work in a way that will not compromise the reputation of the organisation.

This policy sets out the WLB standards and procedures relating to Anti-Corruption (Sports Betting) and applies to all individuals working for and representing the WLB which includes officers, members and volunteers.

The purpose of this policy is to provide an overview and general advice to all the above people on the issues associated with the integrity of sports betting.

Please note that responsibility for complying with this policy lies with all those to whom it applies.


Sporting Integrity

  • A core function of the WLB is to maintain and be seen to be maintaining the integrity of Bowls.
  • The WLB must take action to protect itself from the threats posed to its integrity by corrupt betting and associated activity both from within and outside the organisation. As sports betting activity has increased across all sports and disciplines, it is essential that such activity does not take place in a manner which has the potential to compromise sporting conduct and endeavour.
  • If you are “Directly Involved” with a sport, you cannot: 
  1. Bet on Bowls, anywhere in the world.
  2. Ask someone to bet on your behalf on Bowls anywhere in the world.
  3. Share any “Inside Information” with anyone including but not limited to your spouse, cohabitee or dependent children which could enable them to gain an advantage through corrupt betting activity (See section 4 (Inside Information) for further information); and
  4. Become involved in any other activity associated with corrupt betting which could reasonably be deemed as suspicious and detrimental to the image and reputation of the WLB

“Directly Involved” means working with Bowls as a representative of the WLB

 The following offences are also prohibited:

·          fixing a match or attempting to fix a match.

·          benefiting from failing to perform.

·          soliciting, inducing, encouraging, offering a bribe (or attempting to) any other party to do any of the above offences.

·          receiving, seeking a bribe (or attempting to) in order to fix a match or attempt to fix a match.

·          posing a threat to the integrity of Bowls

·          destruction of evidence in relation to a potential breach; and

·          failing to report suspicions or approaches.


Criminal offence of cheating - Section 42 of the Gambling Act 2005 

  • Section 42 of The Gambling Act 2005 has created a new offence of “cheating at gambling” which would include cheating in sports influenced by betting involvement
  • Breach of the Gambling Act 2005 new rules may result in the imposition of severe penalties for individuals (fines and jail).
  •  Depending on the nature of the activity, the WLB may refer the matter to the Gambling Commission for consideration of an investigation of the criminal offence of cheating at gambling.                                    

 “Inside Information”

  •  The sharing of “Inside Information” by anyone captured by this policy is specifically prohibited by the WLB.
  • “Inside Information” means any information, which is not Publically Known that would materially affect peoples’ expectations relating to the participation in, or the likely or actual outcome of a Bowls competition or event.
  • Such information includes, but is not limited to, factual information regarding the competitors, the conditions, tactical considerations, injuries, or any other aspect of the Bowls’ competition or event. 

“Publicly Known” means any information that is already published as a matter of public record, able to be readily acquired by an interested member of the public or disclosed according to the rules and regulations governing the relevant Bowls competition or event.

 Response Plan

·       It is vital that, if there is any suspicious betting activity in the WLB action is taken. 

  • All Officers should be aware that they must not try to deal or investigate any allegations of corrupt betting and associated activity by themselves but should immediately report the matter to WLB Secretary.
  •  All Staff must report any approach or activity which contravenes, or which may contravene, WLB rules on sports betting. Specifically,
  •  If any Officer is approached about fixing any part of a match or asks for “Inside Information” then he/she must report this and cannot just ignore it.
  •  If any Officer has any concerns about any other members activity, then he/she must report this; and
  •  Any threats should always be reported. 

If an Officer is concerned that the WLB Secretary is involved in suspicious betting activity outlined above, this should be reported to one of the WLB Officers. 

All Officers/Members must co-operate with any investigation and/or request for information including the provision of documentation (e.g., telephone/betting records to the Investigations Panel (see below) 

The WLB Secretary will co-ordinate the investigation and set up an Investigations Panel consisting of not less than three WLB Executive Members. 

The Investigations Panel will investigate the allegation. A member of the Investigations Panel will be allocated with the responsibility for leading the investigation process. 

The Investigations Panel should establish the facts quickly and any threat of further corrupt betting and associated activity should be removed immediately. 

The Investigations Panel is required to:

·       act promptly in investigating the allegation and taking any action required.

·       fully document the investigation process.

·       secure evidence in a manner which does not alert suspects at the outset of the investigation; and

·       ensure that the evidence is secured in a legally admissible form (e.g., evidence must be carefully preserved; it should not be handled and no marks made on original documents; a record should be kept of anyone handling evidence).


Depending on the nature of the activity, the Investigations Panel may refer the matter to the Gambling Commission for consideration of an investigation of the criminal offence of cheating (section 42 of the Gambling Act 2005). Additionally, the Investigations Panel may wish to liaise with betting operators, European/International federations, the Police and the Sports Betting Group. 

Depending on the nature of the fraud, the Investigations Panel may wish to contact external experts for advice. 

The Investigations Panel must obtain the consent of the Executive before contacting any of the third parties. 

The Investigations Panel will prepare a report of its findings and recommendations to the Executive for final approval. The report will include details of:

·       recommendations on how to deal with members under suspicion

·       recommendations on how to deal with third parties under suspicion.

·       recommendations for mitigating the threat of future corrupt betting and associated activity by taking appropriate action to improve controls.

·       recommendations for disseminating the lessons learned from the experience in cases where there may be implications for the organisation as a whole; and

·       recommendations on what information can be released externally if requested.


If a member feels that his/her concerns have not been dealt with appropriately internally, you should also be aware that you are empowered to take any concerns to the relevant authorities and other associated external bodies including the Gambling Commission, so long as you act in good faith. 


This policy will be reviewed annually unless circumstances dictate more frequent reviews. 

Officers/Members who breach this policy and procedure may be subject to disciplinary action.

Compliance of this policy will be monitored by the Secretary of the WLB




Officers and Members are expected to conduct themselves in ways which display the following: 

  1. Standards of good behaviour, both on and off the green.
  2. A sportsperson like approach to team colleagues, opponents, officials and spectators.
  3. Display behaviour befitting good ambassadors for the WLB, its Clubs, and County Associations, and the game of bowls. 

Any Officer of the WLB or Member of the Association's Clubs and County Associations who falls below these standards, thereby bringing herself and/or the WLB into disrepute, shall be subject to disciplinary action. 

At WLB. events, players and officials are expected to be punctual and to meet organisational requests promptly, so helping the event run smoothly. 

Players and Officials who represent their Country are in favoured and privileged positions and have the responsibility of performing to the best of their ability. This assumes a mature and sensible approach, especially in relation to personal fitness and condition, and requires good preparation, sensible enjoyment and recreation and proper rest.


WELSH LAWN BOWLS CONSTITUTION. The National Governing Body for Flat Green Outdoor Bowls in Wales. The Constitution must be read along with the following policies Standing Orders (Rules of Debate) - Disciplinary Policy - Appeals Procedure- Safeguarding Policy - Equality Policy - Data Protection Policy Anti Doping Policy - Codes of Conduct for Officers and Players. In addition to: Role Specifications and Role Descriptions for each officer role, and Terms of Reference for each of the Committees. 

1. Title: 
a. Welsh Lawn Bowls (WLB) is the sole governing body for the sport of flat green outdoor Bowls in Wales. 
 b. Welsh Lawn Bowls is a “not for profit” organisation. 
The registered office shall be that of the Secretary in post. 

 2. Constitution: 
 Welsh Lawn Bowls shall consist of: 
 a. County Associations each having affiliated clubs, whose Constitution and Rules have been approved by Welsh Lawn Bowls. 
 b. Club’s affiliated to a County Association, provided that such clubs possess a green of Regulation size and approved Associate members. 

3. Objectives: 
a. The objectives of Welsh Lawn Bowls shall be to foster, promote and regulate the flat green outdoor game of Bowls in Wales in every legitimate way, and may adopt whatever measures it may deem expedient in furtherance of these objectives.
b. To protect and safeguard the welfare of children and adults at risk, entrusted to its care.
c. To promote a safe environment for everyone playing bowls, including children and vulnerable adults, underpinning and ensuring this commitment by following policies and procedures laid down by Welsh Lawn Bowls, in conjunction with Bowls Wales. 
d. To arbitrate, where appropriate, on disputes between Counties, and if necessary clubs and individuals. To interpret on questions of rules and practice referred by Counties, Clubs, and/or members, and act in matters of misconduct as set out and recommended by this Constitution and WLB. Rules. 
e. To promote equal opportunities in the sport of Bowls.
f. To take all reasonable measurers to conform to the WLB. Anti-Doping Policy.

4. Membership & Subscriptions: 
 a. Welsh Lawn Bowls shall be open to all flat green outdoor clubs in Wales. 
b. Application for membership to Welsh Lawn Bowls by a County Association shall be made to the Hon. Secretary and such an application shall give the names and addresses of its Officers the names and addresses of their affiliated clubs and respective Secretary and numbers in each affiliated club. Upon receipt of any application for membership, the Welsh Lawn Bowls, at their next meeting will decide whether such an application shall be granted. All clubs that apply must be a bona fide club that play on outdoor flat greens with banks and ditches as defined in the laws of the game. 
 c. A County may withdraw from the WLB. By giving written notice sent to the Hon. Secretary. The County shall there by forfeit all rights and interests in the funds of the WLB. But shall remain liable for any money due at the time of withdrawal. 
d. The annual subscription for the County Associations, Affiliated Clubs and Associate members shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting. Registration fees and the bowling levy for affiliated clubs shall also be determined at the Annual General Meeting. All fees due shall be paid by 1st May each year. 
 e. Any County failing to pay fees by the set dates shall forfeit all rights and privileges of membership, unless the Executive Committee is satisfied with the reasons for the delay. 
 f. No refunds of Affiliation Fees or Competition Fees shall be made.

5. Affiliation: 
 a. Each Affiliated Club shall be required to pay the Club Affiliation Fee which shall be fixed at the Annual General Meeting each year and shall be paid to their County Association. 
 b. Each member of a Club shall pay an Annual Affiliation Fee. 
c. The Treasurer of the County Association shall pay all Fees to the Welsh Lawn Bowls, no later than the 1st June in each year.

6. Administration: 
 a. The Officers of the Welsh Lawn Bowls shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, 2 Assistant Secretaries and 2 Competition Secretaries, who will be elected annually. 
 b. The affairs of the Welsh Lawn Bowls shall be conducted by an Executive Committee consisting of the Officers and County delegates, normally the County Secretaries and the Safeguarding Officer, the Team Managers will attend by invitation only. 
c. The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be two Executive Officers plus seven others.
d. In the event of a vacancy occurring during a year, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt a replacement to serve until the next AGM. 
 e. The Emergency Committee will be convened to deal with urgent matters when it is not appropriate to wait for a full Executive Committee meeting and shall have the power to make decisions that will be binding. This Committee shall consist of the following Officers, each with a power to vote. President, Hon.Secretary, Hon.Treasurer, plus two other Executive members.

7. Offices and Committee: 
 a. The Welsh Lawn Bowls may appoint a Patron. 
 b. At each Annual General Meeting Welsh Lawn Bowls shall elect all Officers annually. 
 c. Nominations for any of the forgoing offices may be made by affiliated clubs through their County Associations, or directly by the County Associations. All nominations shall be received in writing to the Hon. Secretary at least 28 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and such names shall be stated in the notice of business for the meeting. 
 d. In the event of two or more nominations being made for any of the above named offices the voting shall be done by balloting but no election shall be valid unless decided by a majority of the votes of the members present. 
 e. The President is only entitled to a casting vote at all meetings, unless otherwise specified. 
 f. As of December 2025 the Presidential Chain will be by nomination on a gender-based rota. 
 g. The Executive Committee shall have the power to give instructions to the Officers of Welsh Lawn Bowls, which they consider necessary to defend any action that may be brought against Welsh Lawn Bowls. 
h. The Selection Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall consist of a Team Manager and six appointed members for the ladies and six appointed members for the men. If a member of the Executive Committee seeks an appointment on the Selection Committee they will take no part in the proposals. The President will chair the meetings, the Hon. Secretary will be expected to attend, neither of whom will have voting rights. 
 i. The period of office of the Team Manager shall be for four years and three years for the members of the Selection Committee. All positions will be reviewed annually. The Team Managers four year appointments cannot be successive. 
 j. The Team Manager and Selectors shall not be allowed to play in County Championship matches. 
k. Applications for the Team Manager and Selection Committee posts to be addressed to the Hon. Secretary accompanied by a detailed C.V. 
l. The Executive Committee shall meet as often as is deemed necessary, but at least three times a year.
m. The Executive Committee is responsible for conducting the ordinary business of Welsh Lawn Bowls and the budgetary control of the finances, in line with the Executive Committee Policies and Decisions.
n. The Executive Committee shall appoint all Sub Committees as and when necessary. 
o. A Committee Chairperson shall have a deliberate and in case of equality, a casting vote at all meetings. 
p. The Executive Committee may elect one Representative to serve on the World Bowls Board. 
q. The Executive Committee shall appoint one of its members to act as Press and Information Officer.
r. The Executive Committee may appoint four members to serve on the B.I.B.C. two of which must be the Secretary and Treasurer, a maximum of two delegates shall be allowed to attend these meetings, with appointments being made annually. 
 s . Any affiliated club wishing to transfer from one County Association to another must have the approval of the Executive Committee.

8. General Meetings: 
 a. The Annual General Meetings shall be held during the first week in December of each year. 14 days notice shall be given of all General Meetings. 
b. Each County Association, and other approved Associations and Clubs shall be entitled to send one representative to any General Meeting of the Welsh Lawn Bowls. 
c. All Notices of Motions/Propositions must be submitted through the County Associations to the Hon. Secretary in writing, 28 days before an A.G.M

 9. Special General Meetings: 
 A special General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee or at the request of a minimum of six County Associations. Such a requisition shall state the nature of the business to be brought forward. Upon its receipt the Hon. Secretary shall call a Special General Meeting. The notice of the meeting shall state the business for which it is called.

10. Life Members: 
a. Life Membership may be awarded to members who have given exceptional service to Welsh Lawn Bowls over a minimum period of five years. 
 b. Life Members will not have voting rights unless an Office is held giving them the rights to vote and may if elected serve on any committee or sub-committee. 
c. All nominations must be submitted to the Executive Committee who will reserve the right to recommend to the Annual General Meeting. 
 d. All nominations to be submitted to the Hon. Secretary before the first of September by the County and Club of the nominee. 
e. Existing Life Members of the W.W.B.A. and W.B.A. will automatically be Life Members of Welsh Lawn Bowls. 

11. Alteration of Constitution: 
 No alteration of, or addition to, this Constitution shall be made, except at the A.G.M. or at an S.G.M. called for that purpose. Ten days notice shall be given by the Hon. Secretary setting forth such alterations or additions, which shall be stated in the Notice for the Meeting and . such proposals shall be voted upon without any amendments there to. 

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